> 春节2024 > 今天过年是几号的英文






Today is the thirtieth day of the lunar new year, and we are preparing to welcome the arrival of the new year. This afternoon, grandma insisted on...


Today is a special day. Let\'s guess. What day is it? Yes, it\'s the Spring Festival! It\'s a time for families to come together and celebrate...


Today is New Year\'s Eve, a day to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. Many guests have been invited to our home...


Today is a joyful day because it\'s the Spring Festival. We are enjoying a delicious dinner and feeling so happy and content...


Today is New Year\'s Eve, but for Chinese people, tomorrow is the real New Year. It\'s the first day of the lunar calendar...


To express \"Happy New Year\" today, you can say \"Happy the Spring Festival!\" or \"Happy the Lunar New Year!\" The latter is a more recent phrase I learned from watching English news on TV. Have a joyful Spring Festival celebration!


The correct sentence should be \"Stay in bed and have a good rest.\" It means to take your time to relax and recover. By the way, Christmas is on December 25th.

英语翻译Rainy, Feb.2 Today is the spring festival. My parents prep...

Are you writing a diary? It\'s a rainy day on February 2nd. Today is the Spring Festival, and my parents have prepared a delicious feast for me, including meatballs, fried chicken, dumplings, and more. I\'ve cleaned my room and bought many beautiful flowers. It\'s truly a special day!


Today is the Spring Festival, and I have returned to my hometown to celebrate the New Year. In the morning, my whole family went to the temple to pray...