> 春节2024 > 还有几天前就过年了英文





The Chinese New Year is just a few days away. When I have some time, I will send you some of the photos I took recently.


1. The Spring Festival is approaching, and I am looking forward to it. 2022 is the Year of the Tiger, and I believe it will bring good luck and prosperity. 2. During the Spring Festival, people usually have family gatherings, delicious food, and exciting fireworks. It is a time when everyone is filled with joy and happiness. 3. I\'m also excited about receiving red envelopes during the Spring Festival. It\'s a tradition where adults give children money as a blessing for the new year.


La primavera è la mia festa preferita perché è un momento in cui la nostra famiglia si riunisce. Mia sorella tornerà a casa nei giorni precedenti al Capodanno cinese, e mio padre arriverà dalla città in cui lavora. Condividere il pasto festivo con la mia famiglia è sempre qualcosa che aspetto con grande gioia. È un momento in cui siamo tutti insieme, ci raccontiamo le esperienze degli ultimi mesi e creiamo ricordi indimenticabili.


The Chinese New Year is approaching. It\'s almost time to celebrate the Spring Festival. As we count down the days, the excitement and anticipation grow. This traditional festival is a time for family reunions, delicious feasts, and joyful gatherings. It is a celebration of Chinese culture and traditions.


During the days leading up to the Chinese New Year, our family dresses in a variety of traditional and festive attire. It\'s a time when everyone showcases their unique style and cultural heritage through their clothing. From vibrant red dresses and elegant qipaos to colorful jackets and embroidered shirts, each family member adds their personal touch to the festive atmosphere. It\'s a sight filled with joy and a sense of unity.


1. The Chinese New Year is approaching, and I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who has been part of my journey this year. Thank you for your support, love, and kindness. 2. As the Spring Festival draws near, I want to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt appreciation to all those who have been there for me. Your friendship and support have brought so much warmth and happiness into my life. 3. With the Chinese New Year right around the corner, I want to extend my sincere thanks to each and every one of you. Your presence in my life has made it brighter and more fulfilling. Thank you for being a part of my journey.


The Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in my country. In the days leading up to the Spring Festival, people begin their preparations. They clean their houses, hang up lanterns, go shopping for New Year goods, get haircuts, and decorate their windows with paper-cuttings and couplets. On the eve of the Spring Festival, families gather together for a festive dinner and stay up late to welcome the new year. The Spring Festival is a time for family reunion, celebration, and the beginning of a new year.


During the Chinese Spring Festival, people return to their hometowns to celebrate with their families. As a result, the streets are less crowded as many people are off work and spending time with their loved ones. However, there are still many festive activities taking place, such as the Lantern Festival and firework displays. It\'s a time when the city becomes quieter and more peaceful, allowing people to enjoy the holiday atmosphere and take a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life.


The Chinese Spring Festival, which marks the beginning of a new year, is a moment for family reunions and celebrations. In the days leading up to the Spring Festival, people are busy preparing for the festivities. They clean their homes, buy new clothes, and stock up on traditional New Year\'s foods. There is a sense of excitement and anticipation in the air as everyone eagerly awaits the arrival of the new year. It\'s a time for reflection, renewal, and spending quality time with loved ones.


When it comes to celebrating the Chinese New Year, we can use the phrase \"celebrate the new year.\" It\'s a time when people gather with their families, exchange gifts, and enjoy traditional foods. The Chinese New Year is a festive occasion filled with joy, happiness, and good fortune. It\'s a time to commemorate the past year and welcome the new year with hope and optimism.